An Introduction to Council - July 2024


An Introduction to Council - July 2024

from $150.00

Learn the forms, elements, intentions, games and thresholds that distinguish Council from simple circles or everyday conversation. A longer description is here.

Please scroll to the bottom of this page (below the REGISTER button) for guidance on choosing your tuition rate.

Refund Policy: Full refund (less processing fee) for cancellations 3 weeks or more before the first session and 50% refund (less processing fee) for cancellations within 3 weeks. We regret there will be no refund on the day of or after the first session. Thank you for your understanding.


What should I pay?

If you have higher access to wealth, go high: Elect to “Pay It Forward” if you can afford to work less than full-time, if you own your home, can easily meet your basic needs and can save/invest finances beyond your needs.

If you’re financially stable, take the middle path: Pick the “Standard Rate”, which reflects the value of the course, the time invested by trainers and facilitators, and the expected impact on you of circle work in the years that follow.

If you have lower access to wealth, stay low: Choose the “Financial Hardship Rate” if you’re supporting dependents, have difficulty covering basic needs, have uncovered medical expenses, are an elder or unpaid community organizer with a basic income. (This is also the refresher rate for those who have taken Intro to Council before.)